The ‘Incredible Crazy Strength’ of a black man

ML Andrews
3 min readJul 14, 2020

The Murder of Elijah McClain

His name is Elijah McClain, 23-years-old, only 5 feet 6 inches tall, murdered while black and walking down the street of Aurora, Colorado during a summers day to purchase iced tea for his brother. Never did Elijah imagine his last breath, so fleeting, would be forcefully snatched from him by white police officers.

Although this murder occurred in 2019, it is gaining much needed exposure in 2020 amid other injustices against black Americans such as: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshad Brooks.

Police were brought to the attention of Elijah from a citizen who said he “looked sketchy”. The police struggled to put handcuffs on Elijah. Elijah McClain, an unarmed black male, was walking down the street in America-land of the free, home of the brave. Freedom does not exist for people of color in this country. I pray that one my children will experience genuine liberty in America. This is the dream that Dr. King proclaimed in his I Have a Dream speech.

A carotid choke-hold was placed on Elijah for approximately 15 min until the paramedics arrived to administer ketamine (sedative). How many times must we hear a black man say “I cannot breathe.” Elijah uttered those same words and vomited before his demise. An officer, can be heard on his body camera threatening to release his dog on McClain. Unfortunately, Elijah went into cardiac arrest and died days later in the hospital. An autopsy later declared his death as undetermined. The McClain family say his brain dead lifeless body was covered in bruises-neck hemorrhaged and abrasions.

All the officers were cleared for the murder of Mr. McClain. All the officers continued working. Much of this unfortunate incident occurred while the officers body camera had conveniently fallen off during the arrest. Even though one officer says “leave your camera there”. The justice system was not designed to give black people a fair trial.

According to The Cut, Mr. McClain mother said, ‘he was a curious child who could inspire the darkest soul.’ He is described by his family as extremely gentle and kind. Elijah was a message therapist who was loved by his colleagues. He loved to play the violin and guitar.

The New York Times reported one of the officers describing McClain having ‘incredible, crazy strength’ during the time of the arrest. His reasoning why it took three grown men to restrain a 140 lb black man. In my opinion, this scenario is highly improbable. Like Elijah McClain, millions of black boys, girls, men, and women are shrouded with crazy incredible strength each day we walk on America soil. Blacks are faced with unforeseen dangers at the hands of those who swore to protect and serve the citizens of the United States. With each passing year, this nation resembles Jim Crow America and not the Star Spangled Banner America.

My sons have to grow up in this America, learn how to maneuver in a system not designed to accommodate their skin tone, walk down the street while looking over their shoulder, keep both hands on the steering wheel in the presence of a police officer, refrain from wearing a hoodie, and look less threatening to white people as possible. I thought we were free black descendants of African slaves. I thought we possessed the same civil/human liberties as our white counterparts. My sons will assume the same, but it is my job as their father to tell them otherwise, and make sure they are well versed in the horrid atrocities and triumphs of black America. This case is currently being investigated by the district attorney. Please don’t forget his name-Elijah McClain.

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A watercolor of Elijah McClain by artist Matty Miller

